Pionus Parrot

The Pionus Parrot is a beautiful bird that originates from Central and South America. They are approximately 10 inches long and have a vibrant green color, with yellow on the tail. Pionus Parrots are relatively easy to take care of and can live up to 40-60 years with proper care. There are many subspecies of pionus parrots: Pionus menstruus (green), Pionus fasciatus (yellow-headed), Pionus maximiliani (red-fronted), etc.


Pionus Parrots can be found in highland forests from Mexico in Central America down through South America. The species was also introduced into Florida in the United States during the late 1920s to early 1930s. Pionus Parrots can be found in a variety of climates, from tropical forests to warm temperate forests. They are larger than most parakeets in size, with a wingspan of up to 22 inches. The tail measures up to 4 inches long, and the weight is up to 6 ounces.


The lifespan of Pionus Parrots is approximately 40 years with proper care, but they can potentially live much longer!

Typical size (wingspan, length, weight)

Pionus Parrots typically measure between 10-13 inches long from the tip of their beak to the end of their tail feathers. The average weight is up to 6 ounces but can vary from bird to bird.

The personality of the bird

Pionus birds are very forgiving and friendly birds. They love attention and will follow their owners around the house or yard. They are also very vocal birds and like to interact with people. Pionus Parrots are not active during the day, preferring to sleep during the daylight hours. They are a very social species and usually prefer to live in groups of three or more.

Food/care of the bird

Pionus Parrots eat seeds, fruits, and vegetables. They are omnivores, but their diet must be limited to non-toxic foods. Pionus Parrots love to eat peanuts and corn kernels. Pionus Parrots can become picky eaters if you change their diet often. They need a diet rich in protein and calcium for proper bone development and health. Providing pellets is also important for these birds, as well as fresh fruit, vegetables, and water at all times of the day.

For more info on proper bird care, check out our guide.

Tips on taking care of the Bird:

  1. Always provide fresh water and food.

It is important to provide fresh water and food to Pionus parrots at all times. Failure to do so can lead to health problems and malnutrition. Parrots need a diet that is high in protein and fiber, so it is important to provide them with a variety of different foods. Seeds, fruits, and vegetables are all good sources of nutrients for parrots. It is also important to keep the cage clean and free of waste.

  1. Provide a large cage.

Pionus parrots need plenty of space to exercise and play, so it is important to provide them with a large cage. The cage should be made of sturdy material that will not rust or break easily. It is also important to provide Pionus parrots with perches and toys to keep them entertained.

  1. Be sure to handle the bird carefully.

Pionus parrots are relatively delicate birds, so it is important to handle them carefully. Avoid sudden movements and loud noises when handling these birds. It is also important to keep Pionus parrots away from other pets, as they may become injured in a scuffle.

  1. Take the bird to the vet regularly.

Like all pets, Pionus parrots need to see a veterinarian on a regular basis. Be sure to take the bird to the vet at least once a year for a check-up. Additionally, bring the bird to the vet immediately if it seems sick or injured.

  1. Provide plenty of love and attention.

Pionus parrots are very social creatures that thrive on human interaction. Be sure to spend time talking, playing, and interacting with your bird on a daily basis. With proper care and attention, Pionus parrots can make wonderful pets that will bring joy to their owners for many years.

Pionus parrots are beautiful birds that make great companions. These birds can bring joy to their owners for many years with proper care.